PHPUnit & Selenium

Hi everybody

i am making a Unit test…

when i call this command "java -jar selenium-server.jar" to run selenium server the result would be as this:



idon’t khow if it runs correctly or not?

after taht i opened a new CMD and called " cd protected/tests/" and " phpunit functional/SiteTest.php" but it showed an error:

‘phpunit’ is not recognized as an internal or external command

is the problem with phpunit or somewhere else????

java -jar selenium-server.jar

this command just started a selenium server.

next you need to run your functional tests

phpunit ./functional/

after taht i runned the selenium server(as you saw in the first post) opened a new CMD and called " cd protected/tests/" and " phpunit functional/SiteTest.php" but it showed an error:

‘phpunit’ is not recognized as an internal or external command

is the problem with phpunit or somewhere else????

You have to add the path to the phpunit batch scripts to your PATH environment.

But to test if selenium works you could call phpunit with full path like

> cd protected\tests

> C:\path\to\phpunit\phpunit functional\SiteTest.php

thanks for all answers …

i think phpunit doesn’t work correctly

i call this command “pear channel-discover” and it’s work successfully.

then i call this "pear install phpunit/PHPUnit" and the result would be as this:



why the install is failed?

Follow these steps by using Pear :

pear upgrade

pear update-channels

pear channel-discover

pear install symfony/pake

pear install symfony/symfony

pear install symfony/YAML

pear install symfony/EventDispatcher

pear channel-discover

pear install -a ezc/eZComponents

pear install phpunit/PHPUnit

it may takes a few minutes to downloadand it’s upon ur internet bandwidth.

If u have problem with the latest command run this :

pear install --force --alldeps phpunit/PHPUnit

That’s all