I’m trying to run phpunit tests (with 3.6.4 version of PHPUnit). But then i run “phpunit” command on “protected/tests” - nothing happen. Can anyone tell, what im doing wrong?
I’m trying to run phpunit tests (with 3.6.4 version of PHPUnit). But then i run “phpunit” command on “protected/tests” - nothing happen. Can anyone tell, what im doing wrong?
Define ‘nothing’ …
Unless you are getting an error message, you should get some kind of output.
If you want phpunit to print more than a dot (for successful tests), run phpunit with the debug flag: phpunit --debug
Nothing is… just nothing No errors, no dots etc. Just new prompt line. Tried with --verbose or other options - same result
Looks like this:
Ok, i found that problem raises when i require WebTestCase.php in bootstrap.php. Comment out this line - and phpunit starts working. I’m not sure, but i think problems somehow associated with Selenium, which i dont have in my system.
Odd problem…
Do you have the Selenium extension in your PHPUnit directory?
PEAR/PHPUnit/Extensions/SeleniumTestCase ?
If you don’t, then please install it.
Woops, i dont have this file. Strange! Where i can find this file? PHPUnit installed from PEAR as usual.
pear install phpunit/PHPUnit_Selenium
Let us know if it works or not.
[color="#006400"]/* moved to installation */[/color]
To avoid any issue please use XAMPP server it comes with all necessary web plugin including PHP unit,pear package and many more.
I had the same problem (OSX, MAMP), did the above and PHPUnit now produces output - thanks.
hi, I have the exact same problem:
and i have tried everything and its still not working! even selenium extension is installed.
only when my TestClass.php file is empty there is an error:
PHPUnit 3.6.10 by Sebastian Bergmann.
Class SiteTest could not be found in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/TAClass/protected/tests/unit/SiteTest.php
otherwise its Nothing! please help me, i’ve stuck here for two days
p.s.: same problem occurs when i try functional testing, selenium server and other stuff are ready, but still php unit returns nothing, no errors, no messages, nothing! just a new command line!
This is an old issue but this is the first post that I ran into when searching on the web so… to solve:
check your bootstrap.php file… ensure that the line as below:
correctly resolves to your framework/yiit.php path…
it may be something like :
Anyway, hope this helps.