Phpdoc @property in yiic model

This will make code completion for ActiveRecords in some IDEs such as Eclipse.

in cli/commands/shell/ModelCommand.php - generateModel()



+		$properties= "/** n"; 



				foreach($table->columns as $column)


+					$properties .= " * @property $column->type $$column->namen";

					if($column->isPrimaryKey && $table->sequenceName!==null)


			echo "Warning

+		$properties .= " */ n";


+			'{Properties}'=>$properties,


in cli/views/shell/model/model.php:



class {ClassName} extends CActiveRecord


Could you please submit a feature request at…yii/issues/list ?

We will consider this for 1.1 release.


But I couldn't find how to set type of issue other than Defect.