PHP warning - include(LoginForm.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory


i am really frustrated >> since hours i try to find a solution for this error here:

i worked 6 or 7 hours and made changes on this project succesfully…

but now I need a litle hint:

  • it could be a problem with the rights, because i worked the whole day

  • I commented all my changes out (to make sure its not a missSpelling error)

at my views but the error still exists

  • i never touched some Yii files becaue i am absolultey new to Yii >> I had a normal web project and

another developer changed everything to Yii >> no i started created some new views and changes some Models

and it worked succesfully and then boom I refreshed the browser and saw this error!

Could please anyone could give me a hint?

Thank you so much!




416 include($classFile);

417 if(YII_DEBUG && basename(realpath($classFile))!==$className.’.php’)

418 throw new CException(Yii::t(‘yii’,‘Class name “{class}” does not match class file “{file}”.’, array(

419 ‘{class}’=>$className,

420 ‘{file}’=>$classFile,

421 )));

422 break;

423 }

424 }

425 }

426 else

[color="#FF0000"]427 include($className.’.php’);[/color]

428 }

429 else // class name with namespace in PHP 5.3

430 {

431 $namespace=str_replace(’\\’,’.’,ltrim($className,’\\’));

432 if(($path=self::getPathOfAlias($namespace))!==false)

433 include($path.’.php’);

434 else

435 return false;

436 }

437 return class_exists($className,false) || interface_exists($className,false);

438 }

439 return true;

[color="#8B0000"][size="5"]Stack Trace[/size][/color]


/mnt/home/fantasyxl/domains/ YiiBase::autoload()

422 break;

423 }

424 }

425 }

426 else

427 include($className.’.php’);

428 }

429 else // class name with namespace in PHP 5.3

430 {

431 $namespace=str_replace(’\\’,’.’,ltrim($className,’\\’));

432 if(($path=self::getPathOfAlias($namespace))!==false)


unknown(0): YiiBase::autoload("LoginForm")


/mnt/home/fantasyxl/domains/ spl_autoload_call("LoginForm")

62 {

63 if(Yii::app()->user->isGuest) {

64 if (!defined(‘CRYPT_BLOWFISH’) || !CRYPT_BLOWFISH)

65 throw new CHttpException(500, "This application requires that PHP was compiled with Blowfish support for crypt().");


67 $model = new LoginForm;


69 // if it is ajax validation request

70 if (isset($_POST[‘ajax’]) && $_POST[‘ajax’] === ‘login-form’) {

71 echo CActiveForm::validate($model);

72 Yii::app()->end();