is a cloud application for child daycare centers in Belgium. ("kinderdagverblijven" in dutch)

It consist of a simple landing page (i.e., this is the only part that you can access, sorry), a site for child daycare centers and a multi-lingual site for parents.

It does a lot: planning, invoicing, communication with the parents, reporting, … It differs from other applications in the sense that it lets parents do part of the administration. Parents keep the administrative file of their child up to date, enter the details of people that are allowed to pick up the child at the facility, allergies, necessary medical administration, emergency numbers, … the information comes from the parent via The daycare center can keep its own version or easily integrate the data coming from the parent in its own files.

Still some work to do: document management, public web page per daycare center, automated communication with government agencies.

Yii 1.1 + bootstrap.