Paypal Extension

Hi guys!

I was looking for a paypal extension and i found this one, which looks exactly what i was looking for:

Everything is working fine less one important thing,

There is an action called buy, actionBuy():

 public function actionBuy(){

        // set 

        $paymentInfo['Order']['theTotal'] = 15.00;

        $paymentInfo['Order']['description'] = "Some payment description here";

        $paymentInfo['Order']['quantity'] = '1';


        // call paypal 

        $result = Yii::app()->Paypal->SetExpressCheckout($paymentInfo); 

        //Detect Errors 


            if(Yii::app()->Paypal->apiLive === true){

                //Live mode basic error message

                $error = 'We were unable to process your request. Please try again later';


                //Sandbox output the actual error message to dive in.

                $error = $result['L_LONGMESSAGE0'];


            echo $error;



        }else { 

            // send user to paypal 

            $token = urldecode($result["TOKEN"]); 


            $payPalURL = Yii::app()->Paypal->paypalUrl.$token; 




Like you can see on the top, there is a variable called $paymentInfo[‘Order’][‘theTotal’], which in this case is equal 15.00.

Then it goes to paypal, i can see in the left the price (15.00) and the "description" of the "item", and in the right side i see the inputs to loggin, I login, i click in pay now and when is coming back to my site, it go to the action "confirm", actionConfirm() is

 public function actionConfirm()


        $token = trim($_GET['token']);

        $payerId = trim($_GET['PayerID']);


        $result = Yii::app()->Paypal->GetExpressCheckoutDetails($token);


        $result['PAYERID'] = $payerId; 

        $result['TOKEN'] = $token; 

        $result['ORDERTOTAL'] = 0.00;


        //Detect errors 


            if(Yii::app()->Paypal->apiLive === true){

                //Live mode basic error message

                $error = 'We were unable to process your request. Please try again later';


                //Sandbox output the actual error message to dive in.

                $error = $result['L_LONGMESSAGE0'];


            echo $error;




            $paymentResult = Yii::app()->Paypal->DoExpressCheckoutPayment($result);

            //Detect errors  


                if(Yii::app()->Paypal->apiLive === true){

                    //Live mode basic error message

                    $error = 'We were unable to process your request. Please try again later';


                    //Sandbox output the actual error message to dive in.

                    $error = $paymentResult['L_LONGMESSAGE0'];


                echo $error;



                //payment was completed successfully






Well like you see there is a variable called $result[‘ORDERTOTAL’]which is equal 0.00 and i get a error message telling me that the total amount is zero, so it won’t charge the user who is buying. If i change the value of this variable, everything works fine, and it will charge me the amount of $result[‘ORDERTOTAL’] instead of $paymentInfo[‘Order’][‘theTotal’].

My question is, how can i pass the $paymentInfo[‘Order’][‘theTotal’] value from actionBuy to $result[‘ORDERTOTAL’] on actionConfirm? Keep in mind that it is going to paypal between actionBuy and actionConfirm…

I am worry about the security here, because i don’t want the user been able to catch this variable and change it (changing the money that he will be charge).

I will appreciate any suggestion!

Thanks a lot!



Problem solved with session vars.

In actionBuy add this next to $paymentInfo[‘Order’][‘theTotal’] = 0.00

Yii::app()->session['theTotal'] = 0.00

and in actionConfirm change $result[‘ORDERTOTAL’] = 0.00; to

$result['ORDERTOTAL'] = Yii::app()->session['theTotal'];

What i will do is store the order info on the database before send i to paypal, and i will save in a session variable the ID of it (instead the total amount), then in actionConfirm i will take the amount value from the db using the ID saved on the sesion variable.

Hope it helps someone else!

Did you read the top comment on the extension page?

I just did, it is a response of my question on the comment just under this one!

Problem solved with session vars.

In actionBuy add this next to $paymentInfo[‘Order’][‘theTotal’] = 0.00

Yii::app()->session['theTotal'] = 0.00

and in actionConfirm change $result[‘ORDERTOTAL’] = 0.00; to

$result['ORDERTOTAL'] = Yii::app()->session['theTotal'];

What i will do is store the order info on the database before send i to paypal, and i will save in a session variable the ID of it (instead the total amount), then in actionConfirm i will take the amount value from the db using the ID saved on the sesion variable.

Hope it helps someone else!


Using this extension, how can I send multiple items and display all products in paypal before payment .
