Password Saving on Update

Hi everyone. I have a Users table which store the information of the account of each user of my application. The password of the users are stored encrypted with MD5 function. My problem is when i update the user information, the password is showed on screen, obviously the MD5 value of the original password is showed. If i save this record, the password is overwritten with the MD5 value and everything get messed up. How can i avoid re-saving the password in the database. In other words, generally speaking, how do i say to Yii, that on update ONLY re-save some fields and not all of them??

Thanks for your help. My best regards.

Hello. Here’s one approach.


[*]Don’t render the password attribute at all in your user form when you are updating (using [font=“Courier New”]if($model->isNewRecord)[/font] for instance)

[*]Remove the password attribute (and any password_repeat) from the ‘required’ array in your user Model validation rules, and add a new validation rule for the password (and password_repeat) on ‘insert’ only.


This may be tricky if you want to offer as well password change in your application. If that case, you should rather render 3 other attributes:


[*]Old password (leave empty if no change)

[*]New password (leave empty if no change)

[*]Repeat new password (leave empty if no change) — you may keep the same "repeat password" from the create scenario if you had one.


In your model rules, you may:


[*]Remove the password attribute (and any password_repeat) from the ‘required’ array, and add a new validation rule for the password (and password_repeat) on ‘insert’ only

[*]Declare as public the three new attributes above

[*]Add your custom validation rule checking if "old password" attribute is set, then compare it (hashed) to the value stored in the DB

[*]Make the three new attributes required on ‘update’ scenario

[*]Add your format validation rule for the new password

[*]Add a compare validation rule between the repeat value and the new password value


P.S. The order of the validation rules can be important. The one above seems to do the job, but you may try other ones if you like.

Hi Tellibus…

Thank you very much for take the time to check out my issue and help. I will try your approach, but the way you put it, seems pretty straightforward.

Thanks again, my best regards…

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