Parse text with PHP from database


I have text for site content in database, for example:

"My site is at <? CHtml::link("text", ""); ?>"

After parse the text I would like to have at page:

"My site is at <a href="">text</a>"

but I have no idea how to do it.

Why are you storing frameworks code in the DB? If tomorrow, the CHtml changes, you tuples value needs to be changed as well.

Can you do something like this?

$dbColVal = 'My site is at '. CHtml::link(“text”, “”);

Then store $dbColVal in the DB.

Ok, you are right,

but if I can use helpers for links or images, how can I do it?

Before I have in Smarty following solution.

file content.tpl

<h1>Dear {$}</h1>,

<p>Welcome and thankyou for signing up as a member of our user group.</p>

{img src="image"}

file function.img.php



 * Smarty {img} function plugin


 * Examples:

 * {img id='image-id'}


function smarty_function_img($params, &$smarty)


	$src = $params['src'];

	$image = getimagesize($src);

	return "<img src='/images/{$src}.jpg' />";




<h1>Dear Mike</h1>,

<p>Welcome and thankyou for signing up as a member of our user group.</p>

<img src='/images/image.jpg' />

Any solution in Yii?

<h1>Dear <?= $contact->name ?></h1>,

<p>Welcome and thankyou for signing up as a member of our user group.</p>

<?= TPL::img('image') ?>

You would pass the $contact object to the render() function but you'd have to write your TPL class yourself:

class TPL {

    static function img($src) {

        return "<img src='/images/$src.jpg' />";



You could also write your own template parser if you want to keep the {} syntax.