Hi again to all yiiaddicts, firstly excuse me for my poor English, I’ll try my best on speak it correctly .
I’m bringing to you a new project that we want you to know, it’s called Palbin.com.
[size="4"]What is Palbin.com?[/size]
Two months ago we launched Palbin.com (auto-english), a cloud service to build fast and easy online stores in less than 5 minutes with less than a few bucks. It’s mainly oriented to spaniards merchants and freelances who want to try a new business model based on eCommerce and sCommerce. The main purpose of the service is to be simple and effective, keeping a tight budget for our clients.
[size="4"]Yeah, but technically What is Palbin.com?[/size]
Palbin.com is a multitenant plaform based on Yii 1.1.5 + [b]L/b[b]A/b[b]M/b[b]P/b + APC(last Beta) + (few others), hey! whats up with Nginx+memcache??? we didn’t need it yet!! thanks Qiang!! The platform use a one-click template system feature for online stores, so we can build any basic template with one click of a mouse (we are even improving this part). We are using about 15 yii extensions. The ddbb of the whole project (included homepage) comprises almost 60 tables with a total of 119444 lines of code including extensions. We are also based on a UK cloud hosting to be more flexibe if possible. Our architecture is a typical 3 tier with a key-based multitenant solution.
[size="4"]What about social Commerce?[/size]
Well, in an effort to get real innovations in our platform we have developed a feature allowing people to add their online stores to their own Facebook Fan Pages in just 3 mouse clcks. Since then, they get one single administration with 2 shop windows, one on the web, and another one in Facebook.
[size="4"]Is it multilanguage?[/size]
Yea, we have coded (at least tried it) all the platform in english but the product web page, although we are only supporting Spanish users by now, our english is so bad and we have to improve the translations and so. We have just enabled the english administration and shop so you guys can check it out.
[b][size="4"]Who are you? Are you very experience programmers?
We are mainly Alejandro Fanjul (CEO) and Enrique Andreu (CTO), a pair of young guys from Spain. We founded Siokia company in 2009, mainly focused in Interactive Digital Television and New Medias, we could say we have a certain background in IDTv and multimedia stuffs. That said, we are newbies in PHP , in deed the first line of PHP code we wrote in our lifes was for this project. At the beginning, we spent some days comparing some languages and frameworks and between ¿among? (web2py, django, RoR and Yii) we finally choosed Yii (thanks again Quiang
[size="4"]Are you going to let me see something?[/size]
Yes of course , that is the first reason we are posting here, we know we probably have a lot of mistakes and errors and we’d appreciate any constructive reviews about our work and project. So here are some links:
- Palbin.com product web page: Native Spanish, Auto-translate in English. Google translator has some problems with the very first banner and it’s messed up. Google also has problems translating https pages so we have disabled SSL in registration process for the next two days so you can check it out in english.
- Our blog: Native Spanish, Auto-translated in English.
- Zarademo Store in Web
Zarademo Store in Facebook Fan Page: practicing Social commerce… (you can give us a “Like it” !!
- English account dministration for Yii Store: user is "yiistore" and password is "yii"
- Video tutorial about how to build your own Zara online store in less than 5 minutes
- Some more real examples: www.sporthome.es, www.sofasysillones.es, dismatacmataro.palbin.com
Well, we hope you like this project proudly made with Yii, and be compassionate with our mistakes. I’m leaving our contact details just in case you want it:
Alejandro Fanjul Fernández
CEO and Founder at Siokia and Palbin.com
write me at: afanjul@palbin.com
follow me at: @alejandrofanjul
link me at: http://www.linkedin…alejandrofanjul
friend me at: http://on.fb.me/alejandrofanjul
see me at: http://about.me/alejandrofanjul
read me at: http://www.palbin.com/es/blog
Enrique Andreu García
CTO and Founder at Siokia and Palbin.com
write me at: eandreu@palbin.com
follow me at: @enriqueandreu
link me at: http://www.linkedin…ndreu/b/120/a19
friend me at: http://www.facebook.com/enriqueandreu
read me at: http://www.palbin.com/es/blog
[b]Best regards and have a nice weekend!!,
Alex [/b]