
Hi guys,

when I do paging and address put the number of results on the page

, how can I remove

it from the address? thank you

show your link or code that generates this url

My code is standart for pagination in controller

 $pages = new Pagination(['totalCount' => count($allIds), 'pageSize' => Yii::$app->params['paging']]);

and in the view


                    'pagination' => $pages,

                    'options' => [

                        'id' => 'pagination'


                    'linkOptions' => [

                        'class' => 'page'




Set [font="Courier New"]forcePageParam[/font] to false and try:

$pages = new Pagination([

    'totalCount' => count($allIds), 

    'pageSize' => Yii::$app->params['paging'],

    'forcePageParam' => false


I tried with

, but it is still the same as

I think you may need to extend the class. It seems to hide the parameter only if page = 0 and forcePageParam = false.

        if ($page > 0 || $page >= 0 && $this->forcePageParam) {

            $params[$this->pageParam] = $page + 1;

        } else {



You should configure defaultPageSize instead of pageSize.

Thank you! That worked, but why is it necessary ?

And pagination offset Pagination class in line 286 Does not return the correct result.

Calculating item offset for pagination why not is

offset = (page - 1) * itemsPerPage + 1