
Hi .

I am new in yii world . i have already done pagination for data from one model but not able to do it for data from two models.i am not using Clistview or CgridView . i don’t know how to apply yii pagination in this me plz .


public function actionView($slug) {

				$model = $this->loadSlug($slug);



				'view', array(

							 'model' => $model,




protected function loadSlug($slug) {

			$chain = Chain::model()->find('nameSlug = :slug', array('slug' => $slug));

			if (is_null($chain)) {

				throw new CHttpException(404, 'page does not exist.');


			return $chain ;


In view

<?php foreach($model->locations as $location): ?>

<?php echo GxHtml::link($location->name, array('location/view', 'slug' => $location->nameSlug), array('title' => $location->name)); ?>


		<?php endforeach; ?>

In Model i have relations:

public function relations() {

		return array(


			'locations' => array(self::HAS_MANY, 'Location', 'chainId'),



no answer !!!!!!!!!!!! :-[

Dear Friend

You can do it in the following way.


$pages=new CPagination($count);



$models=array_slice($models, $pages->getOffset(), $pages->getLimit());

<?php foreach($model->locations as $location): ?>

<?php echo GxHtml::link($location->name, array('location/view', 'slug' => $location->nameSlug), array('title' => $location->name)); ?>

<?php endforeach; ?>

$this->widget('CLinkPager', array(

      'pages' => $pages,



or more elegantly

<?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.CListView', array(

	'dataProvider'=>new CArrayDataProvider($model->locations,array(




)); ?>

create a _view.php in the following way.

<?php echo GxHtml::link($data->name, array('location/view', 'slug' => $data->nameSlug), array('title' => $data->name)); ?>


Thank YOu friend . i was disappointed but u saved me . i made some changes … it may helps some intelligent guys like me .

                        $model = $this->loadSlug($slug);


			$pages=new CPagination($count);



			$models=array_slice($models, $pages->getOffset(), $pages->getLimit());


				'view', array(


							 'models' => $models,




in view

                             <?php foreach($models as $location): 


				 echo GxHtml::link($location->name, array('location/view', 'slug' =>        $location->nameSlug)); 

				 endforeach; ?>

				$this->widget('CLinkPager', array(

      'pages' => $pages,



Dear friend .

the main problem is solved but how could i remove page(word) from the url .

i mean www.example/chain/walmart/page/2. i want to remove page (word) from url and url should be www.example/chain/walmart/2

in urlManager i have this rule :

‘chain/<slug:[\d\w-åäöÅÄÖéÉ]+>/*’ => ‘chain/view’

any solution ?

thank you thats work for me