Page Cache Variations

I’ve just started looking at Page Cache variations and am having a few problems.

I have 4 actions, each which can take a variety of input parameters and even a POST, along the lines of update?id=xx, view?ref=xx, book(POST id=xx)

So how should you setup variations for each set of parameters

I have a behavior as follows:-

'pageCache' => [

                'class' => 'yii\filters\PageCache',

                'except' => ['related'],

                'only' => (YII_DEBUG) ? ['dummy'] : [],

                'duration' => 3600,

                'dependency' => [

                    'class' => 'yii\caching\DbDependency',

                    'sql' => 'SELECT MAX(last_updated) FROM properties',


                'variations' => [


                    (isset($_GET['ref']))? $_GET['ref'] : '',

                    (isset($_POST['ref']))? $_POST['ref'] : '',

                    (isset($_GET['id']))? $_GET['id'] : ''



but this returns ‘Database gone away’ errors on some actions.