ORDER BY FIELD() in CDbCriteria

Hello to all!

Is there any way to create CDbCriteria instance with ORDER BY FIELD() feature? My straightforward approach does not work:

				$criteria = new CDbCriteria;

				$criteria->condition = "id IN ($idSlice)";

				$criteria->order = "FIELD (id, $idSlice)";

Got an error:

Doh! All I needed to do is to remove the space between FIELD and the bracket:

$criteria->order = "FIELD(id, $idSlice)";

Lame! :)

is that any "elegant" way to pass list id to FIELD() function in YII ??

i expect passing the id list in array format $criteria->order = ‘field’=>array(‘id’,array(13,15,14)); or similar like that.

instead of using this nasty way $criteria->order = “FIELD(id, ‘13,15,14’)”;

I also have this error

Column is glncrna_id, id_list: ‘GlncRNA10003d’, ‘GlncRNA10027d’, ‘GlncRNA20024d’

$criteria1->order = "FIELD(glncrna_id, 'GlncRNA10003d', 'GlncRNA10027d', 'GlncRNA20024d')";


$criteria1->order = "FIELD('glncrna_id', GlncRNA10003d, GlncRNA10027d, GlncRNA20024d)";

shows General error: 1 no such function: FIELD

$criteria1->order = "FIELD(glncrna_id, GlncRNA10003d, GlncRNA10027d, GlncRNA20024d)";

shows not GlncRNA10003d column

How to order result in the id_list ?