Open Source Yii CMS - GXC CMS


which SAMPLE CODE …??

where I get a SAMPLE CODE?

sory, Iam newbie in Yii & GXC

Look Here

Thanks mr80…

pls inform us after all updates…nice work mr80

hello I have a problem on easyphp 5.3.8 it didn’t happen with me on wamp 2.0i

when I finished successfully from installing gxc cms and I went to the backend/frontend it got the following error:

Strict Standards: Declaration of GxcUser::login() should be compatible with that of CWebUser::login() in C:\Program Files\EasyPHP\www\framework\gxc\core\cms1.0\components\user\GxcUser.php on line 167Error 500Declaration of GxcUser::login() should be compatible with that of CWebUser::login()

please help me.

thank you,

greate work

@Rajith R

thank you Bro

function replaceTags has bug, when $newTitle is number.

	 function replaceTags($startPoint, $endPoint, $newText, $source) {

	    return preg_replace('#('.preg_quote($startPoint).')(.*)('.preg_quote($endPoint).')#si', '$1'.$newText.'$3', $source);



	 return preg_replace('#('.preg_quote($startPoint).')(.*)('.preg_quote($endPoint).')#si', '${1}'.$newText.'${3}', $source);


Thank you bro!

Fixed it with your help!

Nice day

The instructions to install are really confusing! :(

I have:


– core


















Is this right?

When I try to install or even visit backend, I get:


backend index:


include(BeController.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /Users/gxc/Sites/gxc/core/yii/framework/YiiBase.php on line 418

I know I’m doing something wrong but just not sure where to start looking since the instructions uses sample, demo or project :(

thanks very much of your hard work. will check it out.

I was trying to find out how to borrow the CMS ideas of Wordpress to make a nice CMS based on Yii. What you are doing is simliar to what i was seeking…

may be is is a bug:

primary(unique) key is (object_id,term_id) in table gxc_object_term;

(object_id,1) perhaps exist before updateall

        protected function beforeDelete(){


            // If this is the category : Uncategory - we won't delete it 



                Yii::app()->controller->redirect(isset($_POST['returnUrl']) ? $_POST['returnUrl'] : array('admin'));

                return false;

            } else {

                // If this category is not empty, first move all of its content to Uncategory 

                ObjectTerm::model()->updateAll(array('term_id'=>1),'term_id = :current_id',array(':current_id'=>$this->term_id));

                return true;



my english is poor, so post two images


Can you describe it in more detail?

How do you install this?

sorry :)

i will study english hard :-[

Nice, I was wondering how you did that in bugitor and the rest of your projects :D

after i add column to table,i must clear cache;

i think you put table struct in cache. how did you make it? where is the code?

thank you


So at first, you have to clone the two source :

CORE : GXC-CMS ( PROJECT NAME : Sample-Project ( ) For example, after cloning in our www directory, we have this structure:







From here, you need to configure some PATH to CORE Folder, and basic INFO LIKE SITE_NAME, SUPPORT_EMAIL,…! With this structure, you can create multiple projects that use the same CORE folder.

1/ In file Common/config.php

Browse to line 90 and change Database Information

For the first installation, make sure we don’t use session handle by Db, so comment these lines that use session db components on line 139

2/ In file Common/define.php and Common/define-test.php (*)

Edit basic Information that your site will use to run in official or developing mode

3/ In file frontend/index.php, backend/index.php ()**

Check to make sure that the PATH to CORE FOLDER is CORRECT on line 12 (*)(**) – In your local machine, when developing, you should create an index-test.php file in backend and frontend folder. In that file point to (FRONT|BACK)END/protected/config/test.php and use COMMON/define-test.php. You can reference these files examples at common/local/frontend-index-test.php and common/local/frontend-index-test.php.

When using index-test.php, please make sure to change .htaccess in FRONTEND|BACKEND to use index-test.php RewriteRule ^.$ index.php [L] ==> RewriteRule ^.$ index-tesxt.php [L] 4/ After edit all information, run **

Remove .locked file in Common folder

http://localhost/sample/backend/beinstall/run to install Database script to start!

That’s all for setting up the first application. Hope it run well. Feel free to contact or add issue tickets to this project.

Have a nice day and happy coding you guys!

This is a perfect example of why Yii config should be storable in the database to be easily customizable from a web interface instead of having to edit webapps files (only the Db config - db server, user, pass etc. - could be stored into a file).


Tried that but cms1.0 folder is coming up from

Somewhere and not exactly sure … Htaccess is suspect at the moment.