Open JS Window with URL


i’m new to the yii framework and so far very enthusiastic :)

my problem is:

i have a page with a CGridView and a Button in a column

$this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(




		'ajaxUpdate' => true,



			'and more fields ...',



				'template' => '{btnGraph}',

				'buttons' => array(

					'btnGraph' => array(

						'label' => 'Show Chart',

						'url' => 'Yii::app()->createUrl("/site/graph", array("job_id" => $data->job_id))',

						'imageUrl' => Yii::app()->baseUrl . '/images/symbols/column-chart_16x16.png',






now when i click on the btnGraph button i would like to open a JS Window in the actual page with the dynamic url and show it.

but i dont have a clue how to solve this the best way…

can someone help me?

thanks :)

after a week of trying different methods and plugins i have found a working solution. its not the best i think (ugly JS code) but it works :)

now i use the "facebox" plugin for jQuery (its in the plugin section on the jQuery homepage).

and so i can easy open a modal window in the same page just by adding a option to the button.

(‘options’ => array(‘rel’ => ‘facebox’,)

$this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(




                'ajaxUpdate' => false,



                        'and more fields ...',



                                'template' => '{btnGraph}',

                                'buttons' => array(

                                        'btnGraph' => array(

                                                'label' => 'Show Chart',

                                                'url' => 'Yii::app()->createUrl("/site/graph", array("job_id" => $data->job_id))',

                                                'imageUrl' => Yii::app()->baseUrl . '/images/symbols/column-chart_16x16.png',

                                                'options' => array('rel' => 'facebox',







the Ajaxupdate must be set to FALSE to get this working ;)