Not tracing

I don’t know how exactly is a trace statement in yii.

in a controller i do

Yii::trace('some random tracing statement');

but don’t get anything rendered

also in a view i do

<?php echo Yii::trace('some random tracing statement'); ?>

<?php Yii::trace('some random tracing statement'); ?>


    echo defined('YII_DEBUG')? 'true' : 'false';


which returns true, meaning debug mode, but no clues about trace

Is right my conception of yii trace?

Yes, but you’ll need to read this.


Hi Tommy,

Just wondering if there is a way to "trace" or "monitor" all the interactions that Yii is doing background using some kind of software? (Something similar to a step-by-step debugger with a monitor windows to watch over variables, array or objects interactions performed by Yii.)

With CWebLogRoute you can output all important stuff to the browser (e.g. Firebug console). Though for everything more low-level you may use xdebug.