Non Required Custom Validator

I have written a custom form validator to ensure that the data entered is a valid IP address for the organization that I am a part of. The problem is that I cannot make that field optional now.

Here is the basic class.

class IPAddressValidator extends CValidator{

    protected function validateAttribute($object, $attribute) {

        $ip = $object->$attribute;


            $this->addError($object,$attribute,'Input value was not in the form of a valid IP address (example:');



The function IPAddress::is_valid_ip($ip) is something else that I wrote. It works great, but if you put in null or an empty string "" it returns false because obviously that is not a valid IP address.

When the user submits a form where the IP address information is optional, Yii assigns that attribute an empty string "" which is then passed to the custom validator IPAddressValidator::validateAtribute(). This returns an error to the user.

Is there a way I can tell it not to run this check when I don’t want this to be a required field? I could just modify the validateAttribute() function to return true if $attribute is null or empty string, but it seems like there should be a better way.

Oh, I figured it out. I guess I will write the answer here just in case anyone else ran into the same problem. Unlike what I said before the answer IS to just write the validator to accept null as an answer. This is the style that Yii validators handle this. Take a look any of the CValidator classes. They all have the following pieces of code

class CDateValidator extends CValidator





   * @var boolean whether the attribute value can be null or empty. Defaults to true,

   * meaning that if the attribute is empty, it is considered valid.


   public $allowEmpty=true;



    protected function validateAttribute($object,$attribute)



	if($this->allowEmpty && $this->isEmpty($value))



        ... validation logic ...



So you can see when validateAttribute() runs, if the attribute is null or empty string, it will return as true anyway.

I’m not sure you have to include $this->allowEmpty or if you can just type




if($value === null || $value === "")
