Newbie question: findAll with distinct results

Hi all,

I’ve just started with Yii for 3 weeks, and the past 3 days I have been tearing my hair out over something simple:

how to get Distinct results from a findAll() method.

My Table has "Id", "Genus", "Species", and "TextFileWithDescription".

When I use:



There are many Species in a Genus, so many entries in the table have the same Genus. The DropdownList gets many redundant Genus. I’m trying to query Distinct Genus so that the dropdown is filled with unique Genus.

I wish the Yii manuals and Class Reference file have actual examples to do this. Please help us Obi wan. I tried Googling already.

You could try:


    'select'=>'t.Genus, t.Id',



All find*() methods also accept an array with CDbCriteria properties.

Thanks for the quick reply.

It strangely did not work though.

My table is:

Id Genus Species Description

1 Canis Vulpes Fox

2 Canis Lupus Wolf

3 Canis Dirus DireWolf

4 Felis Catus HouseCat

5 Ursus Maritimus PolarBear

6 Ursus Americanus AmericanBear

7 Panthera Tigris Tiger

When I tried the above code you provided, the dropdown only gave me "Panthera".

Can you show the generated SQL? (Configure a CWebLogroute and set YII_DEBUG)

(Bear in mind I’m a newbie )

Is this what we’re looking for (generated “Application Log”)?

Timestamp 	Level 	Category 	Message

16:49:20.028965 	trace 	system.CModule 	

Loading "log" application component

in D:\yiitesting\site1\index.php (13)

16:49:20.033382 	trace 	system.CModule 	

Loading "request" application component

in D:\yiitesting\site1\index.php (13)

16:49:20.038942 	trace 	system.CModule 	

Loading "urlManager" application component

in D:\yiitesting\site1\index.php (13)

16:49:20.051378 	trace 	system.web.filters.CFilterChain 	

Running filter AnimalsController.filteraccessControl()

in D:\yiitesting\site1\index.php (13)

16:49:20.052905 	trace 	system.CModule 	

Loading "user" application component

in D:\yiitesting\site1\index.php (13)

16:49:20.055654 	trace 	system.CModule 	

Loading "session" application component

in D:\yiitesting\site1\index.php (13)

16:49:20.120265 	trace 	system.CModule 	

Loading "db" application component

in D:\yiitesting\site1\protected\models\Animals.php (20)

in D:\yiitesting\site1\protected\views\animals\dumdum.php (9)

in D:\yiitesting\site1\protected\controllers\AnimalsController.php (210)

16:49:20.122648 	trace 	system.db.CDbConnection 	

Opening DB connection

in D:\yiitesting\site1\protected\models\Animals.php (20)

in D:\yiitesting\site1\protected\views\animals\dumdum.php (9)

in D:\yiitesting\site1\protected\controllers\AnimalsController.php (210)

16:49:20.135356 	trace 	system.db.CDbCommand 	

Querying SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `animals`

in D:\yiitesting\site1\protected\models\Animals.php (20)

in D:\yiitesting\site1\protected\views\animals\dumdum.php (9)

in D:\yiitesting\site1\protected\controllers\AnimalsController.php (210)

16:49:20.141094 	trace 	system.db.CDbCommand 	

Querying SQL: SHOW CREATE TABLE `animals`

in D:\yiitesting\site1\protected\models\Animals.php (20)

in D:\yiitesting\site1\protected\views\animals\dumdum.php (9)

in D:\yiitesting\site1\protected\controllers\AnimalsController.php (210)

16:49:20.141720 	trace 	


in D:\yiitesting\site1\protected\views\animals\dumdum.php (9)

in D:\yiitesting\site1\protected\controllers\AnimalsController.php (210)

in D:\yiitesting\site1\index.php (13)

16:49:20.146147 	trace 	system.db.CDbCommand 	

Querying SQL: SELECT DISTINCT t.Genus, t.Id FROM `animals` `t`

in D:\yiitesting\site1\protected\views\animals\dumdum.php (9)

in D:\yiitesting\site1\protected\controllers\AnimalsController.php (210)

in D:\yiitesting\site1\index.php (13)

16:49:20.156436 	trace 	system.CModule 	

Loading "widgetFactory" application component

in D:\yiitesting\site1\protected\views\layouts\column2.php (1)

in D:\yiitesting\site1\protected\controllers\AnimalsController.php (210)

in D:\yiitesting\site1\index.php (13)

16:49:20.165560 	trace 	system.CModule 	

Loading "clientScript" application component

in D:\yiitesting\site1\protected\controllers\AnimalsController.php (210)

in D:\yiitesting\site1\index.php (13)

OK nevermind, I found my mistake. It was in the ListData(). I was supposed to put ListData($model, ‘Genus’, ‘Genus’); not ListData($model, ‘Genus’, ‘Id’)…

And it gives the Distinct answers.

Truly a newbie mistake.

But thank you for your time. :)

Glad to hear that you solved it. :)

BTW the application log is a true helper when you debug SQL queries (and more!). In your case you see that this SQL was generated:

Querying SQL: SELECT DISTINCT t.Genus, t.Id FROM `animals` `t`

So if you still had a problem you could use e.g. phpMyAdmin to test the generated SQL.

If you don’t mind another question…

I’m trying to submit the data by clicking on the Genus, and a text is supposed to appear under the dropdownlist indicating my choice. But I’m not sure how to go about it. (The php file is called dumdum, I wanted the text to appear in the same file.)


echo CHtml::dropDownList('Animals', $choice, $list, 'submit'=>'dumdum' ) ;



		echo "<br>" . $choice;


That didn’t work, nothing came out.

Actually I am puzzled how to pass the information (the Genus string) from the form to anywhere. The code generated by Gii does pass information about the Animals model well enough.

Not sure, what you try to achieve, but some notes:

  • Your code should submit to a controller action. If you’re using custom PHP, you’re leaving Yii and thus are a little on your own ;)

  • The dropdown list will submit the Id of an Animal - so you need to retrieve the according name from DB after submission


I want to ask something smimilar. I have a link-table between poule, team and match. The results of this table are:

|Poule | Team | Match|

| 1 | 1 | 1 |

| 1 | 2 | 1 |

| 1 | 3 | 2 |

| 1 | 4 | 2 |

| 1 | 1 | 3 |

| 1 | 3 | 3 |

| 1 | 2 | 4 |

| 1 | 4 | 4 |

| 2 | 1 | 5 |

| 2 | 2 | 5 |

| 2 | 3 | 6 |

| 2 | 4 | 6 |

| 2 | 1 | 7 |

| 2 | 3 | 7 |

| 2 | 2 | 8 |

| 2 | 4 | 8 |


            &#036;pouleVar = Poule::model()-&gt;findByAttributes(array('poule_name' =&gt; 'CupD-A'));

	&#036;theTeamList = PouleTeamWedstrijden::model()-&gt;findAllByAttributes(array('poule_id' =&gt; &#036;pouleVar-&gt;poule_id,));





    foreach (&#036;model as &#036;record){

 echo &quot;&lt;tr&gt;&lt;td&gt;&quot;;

 print_r( &#036;record-&gt;team_id );


 echo &quot;&lt;br/&gt;&quot;;


It’s obvious that I get more then one team when I print the result in the View. Because of the fact that the team_id is more then once in the table. What should I do to get every team_id once?