Hi i’m from venezuela and i’m new in this Yii framework… i have been developed webapps for one year and want to create a free and complete webapp for every porpose in modular components… sorry for my bad english…
i ask for every one who wants to collaborate…
the idea is get the best of every application available today and integrate it in one modular webapp for to be used in cloud computing, the base is create an application for to be used by final users without or whith short knowlegde…
Para explicarme mejor. Lo que tengo en mente es construir una aplicación web para ser usado en cloud computing pero que pueda ser expandido, administrado, modificado e implementado por usuarios finales…
He diseñado algo en el modelo de negocio de la aplicación para utilizar una estructura en la base de datos que se adapte a cualquier módulo sin importar su versión o su propósito…
La idea es agarrar lo mejor de todas las aplicaciones de la actualidad y rehacer la rueda perfecta. Por ejemplo, la sencilles de Wordpress, lo expansible de joomla, etc.
Application for every purpose, very hard(impossible) to achieve, but you can try to create general purpose CMS for example. It is good way to learn Yii!
How are things going with the CRM-ERP-CRM webapp? We are building an Open Source CRM application and would like to collaborate on the CRM portion. Is that possible?
That is great! We are both building complimentary enterprise applications on the Yii Framework. Is your application for internal use only or will you publish it? Will it be open source?
Here is a screenshot of the homepage of our open source CRM application.
I wanted to keep you in the loop on the CRM we built on the Yii Framework. The website has a demo instance where you can click through and get a feel for the system. It would be great to get your input and see how it relates to the ERP you built.
the project is developed for a customer, right now, it’s not opensource, but we try to publish it in the future! I will take a close look at your site! I’m interested in colaborate! We included a lot of new features! I will make a small landing page, so you can check it and see more functions!