New design of Yii

Very nice logo

The website layout is quite strange, and I was attending to see some blue :)

By the way, keep up the good work!

After having a closer look and understanding the purposes and motivations of the logo - I have to admit, I haven’t seen such a great idea in branding for decades!

If this is possible, I am even more amazed now.

The logo is simplistic in design but yet powerful in meaning.  It will grow on you with time.  It is unique for sure!

Yes it is a smart logo. It builds on the same idea as the Fedex logo. Have a look here http://upload.wikime…ation_logo.svg, see the white arrow that is cleverly built in between the E and the X? It kind of works in the same way as the Y in the new Yii logo.

Is it just me or is it really http 404?

Sorry about that might be that they don't allow you to link directly to images.

Try this page instead:




I don’t understand a single word of what you have said, but the idea you just attached would probably mean the loss of the original meaning in the logo.

Google Translate just told me you wanted to remove some dark area, however, in its full form it only appears once, in the header. Have a look at the minimized version before the search box.

Good work!


I think there are better logos than this. This is.. weird.

I  like the whole outfit, except for the logo too… It doenst "fit" to yii in my opinion.

I would keep the sweet semi tone colors like the current design has.

I like the current website in which it is great for reading.

I am with thezoulou, in the comment above. The current layout is much better for reading, in special the documentation; the major web site atractive. So, I think is important keep this in mind.

Logo sign is excellent.

I think font used for the logo is kind a bad. It doesn't add good contrast to the whole thing.

Nice work,thanks to Yii team.Good VI is good for grow up.VI si a very complex project.Here's some personal suggestions:

1.There's too many high-contrast colors in the page,I can't find where is the most important thing and the sequence of reading in a short time.

2.The black color in logo and the left download area makes heavy and imposing feeling.

3.The gray shadow on top of page seems a little dirty.

4.The total feeling of the page is not clean and fresh enough.

5.The logo on the home page is too big,the simplicity style logo well show less textural in large size.

6.The logo can't express the key characteristic of Yii.(easy,efficient,extensible,lightweight…),you may think about the though of "book of changes"and "the Eight

Diagrams"in Chinese culture.It can shows a mystery and powerful feeling,and also can't change for a Q taste by art manufacture.And the pronunciation of "book of chanes"in

chinese is call-and-response with Yii :)

here's some pics:

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7.Can't say more about the layout,there's only a home page.The reading habit is form left to right,so I think can change the content form right to left,or just change the

width.Just like the layout of blog,twitter,facebook…

Here's some websites I like:

I'm sorry for my poor english.

nice design !! can’t wait to see it implemented ;)


The logo should have a meaning. What does that semicircle and those sectors mean?

I personally like hex's design better because it looks more professional and is easy to the eye. Fred's design has a contrast and is difficult to keep our eyes at for a long time.

hex all the way!  ;D

Haven't liked the choosen layout.

Expected to maintain blue aspect :confused:

Am I the only one who thinks the green-yellow 'i' is hard to see on a white background? Seems like that would be a problem with building a recognizable marque. The logo and layout all look great, though.

First off, great work everybody!

However, we would like to contribute with some feedback.

Fred did a great job however i asked some of my associates and our own graphic artist and we all agree to that http://www.yiiframew…,3016.msg0.html would be a more suitable design for Yii.

The main advantages of hex design is that the color can already be identified with Yii, the color scheme is more pleasing to the eye and it feels like it would be easier to navigate.

I'm certain that hex design would help to attract more new users to the Yii community.

/Martin & associates

IMO this is nothing to discuss about. You'll always have people that don't like something whereas other like it very much. It all depends on personal taste. Personally i also like the chosen design more then Hex' design. His design is nice also, but i wouldn't agree that it's more professional.

Here in Germany there's a saying: You can't fight about taste. Meaning, it's noth worth it, as everybody prefers different things. So why not just live with it?