very nice design : clear, simple, easy to read !
I know this is a lot of work, but is there a chance that one day, this entire new site will be accessible in other languages than english (and not only the "guide" part) ?
very nice design : clear, simple, easy to read !
I know this is a lot of work, but is there a chance that one day, this entire new site will be accessible in other languages than english (and not only the "guide" part) ?
Yes, I think it’s possible… one day.
Best of luck implementing new Face of Yii!
I agree to all commenter’s opinion But there is no King on the World of Taste. I believe qiang will take best from comments and expressed opinions to make it well worth the time it took to come alive!
When you’ll update the site engine and design, you could also update Invision Power Board to the last release available.
I like the proposed new look. Has anyone given any thought to adding a wiki? Some of the other projects I make use of and contribute to have wikis associated with their produce. This give the users a way to contribute back to the project by adding tutorials, examples, howtos and additional documentation. In fact some have included their original documentation as a part of the wiki in order to gather comments and corrections directly in the docs.
It’s successful in other projects.
A Wiki is nice, but it’s almost better split up as the Definitive Guide and Cookbook.
Let’s get this show on the road! The design looks great, it can always be tweaked in the future.
Really like MSN logo,I personally prefer all with green petals
But that’s not really important…As long as this framework can grow with nice community
Sorry to reply to the old thread but just want to say the new logo is fit well with Yii design and concept: Simplistic, elegant and beauty!
I like it all (colors/fonts/…) everything is ok but don’t u want to migrate to CSS3 ? I sent u a mail qiang did u read it? about CSS3
Ali Borjian
What do you want to use CSS3 for?
It’s not yet cross-browser and will stay so for a long time.
There are not so many things you can’t achieve with good old CSS1 and CSS2.
Just take a look at here
I’m aware of CSS3PIE. What about exact things you want to do with CSS3?
I want to say when it is so simple to use CSS3 now with the help of PIE why don’t u developer embed PIE framework in Yii ? just like Blueprint CSS that it supports?
Oh, it’s a matter of a second to embed PIE into Yii but since it will not be used by every developer out there we prefer not to do it. btw., blueprint is not embedded, it’s just used in default template.
do the same with PIE !
Default template doesn’t have any CSS3, as I know. Why do we need PIE there?