New Backup/restore Module For Yii

Dear All,

I have created Backup/Restore module. I have been using it for all my apps for quite sometime now. It saves lot of time.

I have not added security or access control as of now. You can add that if required for live websites.

unzip the attached code under /protected/modules/

Add following code in config main.php under modules


You can specify path for backup files.

'backup'=> array('path' => __DIR__.'/../backup/'  ),

Thats it , now open your app with /backup appended to home url.

Thanks and Regards,



can’t find any “attached code” ???

He said "created" not "attached"

I did attach. But i cannot see it now. Let me try again!

Very, very useful! Thanks :)

Hi Shiv,

this module is indeed very useful and maybe that could be intresting to share it in the Yii Extension section.

I made some tests and creating/restoring db backup seems to work ok. Maybe you could set the default layout to "column2" to ensure the menu is displayed.

Another problem I found is the upload backup. It refers to widget GxActiveForm … but this widget is not provided.

Thanks for sharing …


GxActiveForm probably belongs to Gii Extended extension ?

Thanks Raoul for your suggestions. Yes right, I am using GxActiveForm.

I shall do a clean install on latest Yii and make it ready again!



I have removed reference to external components. New zip would work on clean Yii installation.




I also believe that you should be able to submit it as an extension by now. :)

Thanks :-). Yes, I am about to submit my first extension.

yessss … !! I see it is published now ! I’ll download it and test asap.

Thanks Shiv


Hi Shiv,

your backup extension works fine, no more dependencies with GxActiveForm or any other missing stuff.

Note that in order for the menu to be displayed the layout must be //layouts/column2

Thanks for sharing


Thanks again !. I have added that in my 1.1 update.

