Nested Widget

Hi ,

i use a CActiveForm widget in my view and i need to use another widget i created inside this Form.

But it seems that when i call my widget it also close the CActiveForm one


$form = $this->beginWidget('CActiveForm', array(






                                                              'clientOptions' => array(

                                                                'validateOnSubmit' => true,

                                                                'validateOnChange' => true,

                                                                'validateOnType'   => true,


                                                              'htmlOptions' => array('class'=>'basic-form form-horizontal'),














<?php // close the form widget



And when i look at the generated code the form is closed just after the second widget , all fieldsets after that are outside form .

What i am doing wrong ?


OK , i figured it out !

In the second widget i must set the third parameter $captureOutput to true as explained here

But this seems to be introduced in 1.1.2

Was it impossible before this version ?