Nav widget languages from database

Hello! First of all, sorry for my bad english.

I use Yii2 starter kit and i want to get language buttons from database.

I made LanguageQuery model to common directory where i made method "locales":

public static function locales()


   return ArrayHelper::map(Language::find()->select(['code', 'title'])->all(), 'code', 'title');        


Now i want to edit layout file. Original is here:

And i tryed to change lines 49-58:



  'label'=>Yii::t('frontend', 'Language'),

  'items'=>array_map(function ($code) {

    return [

      'label' => \common\models\query\LanguageQuery::locales(), #what to write here?

      'url' => ['/site/set-locale', 'locale'=>$code],

      'active' => Yii::$app->language === $code


  }, array_keys(\common\models\query\LanguageQuery::locales()))


Now link works well, but label is missing. I dont understand who to get label.

And is my approach right or im doing this completely wrong?


Changed the code and now it works:



  'label'=>Yii::t('frontend', 'Language'),

  'items'=>array_map(function ($code) {

    return [

      'label' => \common\models\query\LanguageQuery::locales()[$code],

      'url' => ['/site/set-locale', 'locale'=>$code],

      'active' => Yii::$app->language === $code


  }, array_keys(\common\models\query\LanguageQuery::locales()))


But i still want to know from smarter guys is this approach ok or whats the best practise.