Named Scope For Getting All The Categories With At Least One Post


I need to filter a categories list by showing only the ones with at least one post.

I’ve created the STAT relation to get the post count :

 'postCount'=>array(self::STAT, 'Post', 'category_id'),

and than the named-scope :

public function scopes() {

  return array(








but that obviously don’t work.

How can I accomplish that without iterating all the elements ? I’ve searched on the forum but I can’t find anything.


public function scopes() {

  return array(



        'condition'=>'EXISTS (SELECT id FROM post WHERE category_id =',




Thank you, that is working fine, but there is no way of using the STAT relation to do the magic ?

This will run a lot of subqueries if I have a lot of entries in my DB, right?