Hello everyone!
First of all THANKS to all people at #yii @ freenode, especially tom[], Sampa, dispy and everyone else.
I started with Yii a few days ago and I decided to build a To-Do list online in order to learn Yii.
Now I just finished the first version of the website and I want to hear what you guys think about it.
I’ll gladly accept any kind of feedback, negative or positive but please try to keep it constructive critique.
Functions that currently work:
Register/Logging in
Creating TODO lists
Adding tasks to lists
Editing/removing lists
Share the list with work associates/friends/family through their registered email
Deny access to the people you shared access with
Mark tasks as "done"/not done
Adding priority on tasks from low to high
Removing tasks
Functions that I am hopefully gonna implement:
Changing created tasks
Forgot password
Structure will probably be better if I get any feedback on it
Maybe categories
Finish dates on your tasks
Is it something that is missing, or did you find any bugs, please give me feedback!
How easy is the website to use?
Is it simple yet enough powerful to even be useful to some people?
Do you find any bugs?
Any missing functions?
Website URL:
If anyone would like to help out with the english grammar at the site, or has any tips for exchanging words on the website, please let me know.
I know the english grammar atm is kinda shitty and I am gonna work on making it more enjoyable to read it.
Thankful for answers,
For some reason my post gets marked as spam if I add any links, the URL to the website is:
todo - list - online . com
and the login details are: