I have a table like this:
(id,A,B,C,D). combination of (A+B+C+D) values is unique, how can i make a rule to validate this.
I have a table like this:
(id,A,B,C,D). combination of (A+B+C+D) values is unique, how can i make a rule to validate this.
Suppose that you have the table "Message" with two primary columns called "id" and "language". Then you have to add this to your model:
public function rules()
return array(
array('id', 'unique', 'criteria'=>array(
), 'on' => 'update'),
array('id', 'checkMessage', 'on' => 'insert')
public function checkMessage($attribute,$params)
$model = Message::model()->find('id = ? AND language = ?', array($this->id, $this->language));
if($model != null)
$this->addError('id','This id and language already exist');
read this topic, because it is more effective than the method I showed you in the previous reply: