MultiSelect ListBox

I’m trying to develop a dynamic model. The view has a multiple select listbox and I can’t seem to extract the selected items in the controller. I’m assuming I haven’t setup my model class properly.

 * This is the model class for a DynamicModel
 * @property int $StatusId 
 * @property int $ReportId 
 * @property string $StartDt
 * @property string $EndDt
 * @property EmployeeId[] $EmployeeId
// class Reporting extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord
class Reporting extends Model
    public $EmployeeId;
    public $StatusId;
    public $StartDt;
    public $EndDt;
    public $ReportId;

     * @inheritdoc
    public function rules()
        return [
            [['StartDt', 'EndDt', 'ReportId'], 'required'], 
            [['ReportId'], 'integer'],
            [['EmployeeId, StatusId'], 'safe'], //Optional
            [['StartDt', 'EndDt'], 'date', 'format' => 'php:Y-m-d'],

In my view I have

echo $form->field(
                    'inputOptions' => ['tabIndex' => '-1'],
                    'horizontalCssClasses' => [
                        'wrapper' => 'col-md-8',
                            'FirstName' => SORT_ASC,
                            'LastName' => SORT_ASC
                    function ($model) {
                        return $model['FirstName'] . ' ' . $model['LastName'];
                    'multiple' => 'true',
                    'size' => 8,

And in my controller I was trying to do something like

$dispatcherUserIds = rtrim(implode(',', $model->DispatcherId), ',');

So, I’ve got the following working

        foreach ($_POST['Reporting']['EmployeeId'] as $names)
                echo "$names<br/>";

but not when I try to use the model

        foreach ($model->DispatcherId as $names)
                echo "$names<br/>";