Multiple Tabs Only One Submit Button



      $this->widget('zii.widgets.jui.CJuiTabs', array(


             'Main Details'=> $this->renderPartial("_form", array('model' => $model), true, true), 

             'Partner Attachment'=> $this->renderPartial("_formattach", array('model' => $modelattach), true, true), 

             'Partner Location'=> $this->renderPartial("_formloc", array('model' => $modelloc), true, true), 

             'Partner Category'=> $this->renderPartial("_formcat", array('model' => $modelcat), true, true), 

             'Partner Brand'=> $this->renderPartial("_formbrand", array('model' => $modelbrand), true, true), 

             'Partner Manufacture'=> $this->renderPartial("_formmanufact", array('model' => $modelman), true, true), 


        // additional javascript options for the tabs plugin




<div class="row buttons">



                echo CHtml::submitButton($model->isNewRecord ? 'Create' : 'Save',array('class'=>'search-button class_button_ubique_style round')); ?>

	        <?php echo CHtml::link('Cancel',$cancelurl,array('class'=>'search-button class_button_ubique_style round')); ?>


Your submit button will need to be inside a form element. It’s not clear from your code whether there is a form enclosing that code. You’ll also need to make sure that each of your partially rendered views don’t define their own form tags.