Multiple Select N Database

i using multiple listview

i want to save data with i select here is my controll & form code


<?php $this->widget(‘ext.multiselect.JMultiSelect’,array(




//additional javascript options for the MultiSelect plugin


)); ?>

i using multiple select extension

my controll

public function actionCreate()


	&#036;model=new Multipleuser;

	// Uncomment the following line if AJAX validation is needed

	// &#036;this-&gt;performAjaxValidation(&#036;model);





		foreach (&#036;_POST['Multipleuser']['User_id'] as &#036;value  ) 



			 //echo &#036;value;

		&#036;model-&gt;attributes=&#036;_POST['Multipleuser']  ;



		//&#036;value = implode(&quot;,&quot;,&#036;model-&gt;User_id);












how do this please help ?