multiple models one controller

@topic. need explanation how to do

take a look at this thread

i already have this

public function actionList()


		$criteria=new CDbCriteria;

		$limit = 3;

		$pages=new CPagination(Event::model()->count($criteria));







		// Is the event published or not?

		$criteria->condition = "publish = 1";





















then an errow shows up

i’m sorry for askin too much. i’m 100% noob. :unsure:

basically, i just want to know how to put/use a model on a controller of another model?. should i include it? or what?.

is loadYourClassName already defined? if so, then where is it defined? is there an include() statement needed?

i got it. added this:[below] in my default action

public function actionList()





		$criteria=new CDbCriteria;

		$banners = new Banners;


		$banner = new CActiveDataProvider($banners);


		$limit = 3;

		$pages=new CPagination(Event::model()->count($criteria));







		// Is the event published or not?

		$criteria->condition = "publish = 1";



	/*	$banners=$this->loadBanners();*/

















but it seems that i dunno what to do to make the data show. i want this model to be shown on every page that the site has. how exactly do i do that? ::)

Maybe you can create a widget and then call it in the layout/main.php ??

You should create a widget. Take a look here