Multi Step Form


  • A multi step ONE PAGE form (using DIVs that show/hide with jQuery)

  • Validation on each step (validate step-specific attributes only)

I have managed to implement this as follows:


<div class="form">


	<?php $form=$this->beginWidget('CActiveForm', array(









	)); ?>


	<?php echo $form->errorSummary($model); ?>


	<div class="step" id="step-1">

		// model input fields

		<?php echo CHtml::submitButton('Next Step', array('name'=>'step1')); ?>



	<div class="step" id="step-2" style="display: none;">

		// model input fields

		<?php echo CHtml::submitButton('Next Step', array('name'=>'step2')); ?>



	<div class="step" id="step-3" style="display: none;">

		// model input fields

		<?php echo CHtml::submitButton('Submit', array('name'=>'step3')); ?>



	<?php $this->endWidget(); ?>



function validateListing(form, data, hasError)




		// display JS flash message




		if($('#step-1').css('display') != 'none')





		else if($('#step-2').css('display') != 'none')





		else if($('#step-3').css('display') != 'none')


			return true; // trigger default form submit





public function actionCreate()


	$model = new Listing;


	// ajax validation



		$attributes = array('name', 'address1', 'etc');


		$this->performAjaxValidation($model, $attributes);



	// ajax validation



		$attributes = array('category', 'type', 'etc');


		$this->performAjaxValidation($model, $attributes);



	// ajax validation



		$attributes = array('details', 'source', 'etc');


		$this->performAjaxValidation($model, $attributes);





		$model->attributes = $_POST['Listing'];


		if($model->validate()) // validate all attributes again to be sure


			// perform save actions, redirect, etc




	$this->render('create', array(




protected function performAjaxValidation($model, $attributes=null)


	if(isset($_POST['ajax']) && $_POST['ajax']==='listing-form')


		echo CActiveForm::validate($model, $attributes);




This works well, except it won’t perform validation if you set ‘validateOnChange’ to true. Also I was wondering whether this is actually the best way to do this, or if anyone knows of a better way?


You’d better go with separate forms for each step and have separate model instances(same class) for them with separate scenarios. This will ease your job a lot.

I don’t know how client side validation will behave in this case having in mind that it will produce only #YourModel* identifiers for the javascript validation engine.

If that’s a problem, you can even go further and have a MyModelStepOne extends MyModel, MyModelStepTwo extends MyModel. This will generate #MyModelStepOne* and #MyModelStepTwo* identifiers and you will have the finest control you could ask over your forms.

Separate forms would of course be a lot easier, but it lacks the user experience (in terms of speed / transition effects) that is possible with one form spread over multiple blocks.

The code I posted works well but is achieved in a “hacky” kind of way - I’m sure there is a better way to go about it. Anyone?

Anybody got any ideas? Thanks :)

Probably you have misunderstood the suggestion of twisted1919.

He suggested a separated form with a separated model for each step, but in a single page. It won’t harm the user experience.

How would you then gather all the data in the final submit for massive assignment? Since all form attributes will have a different model name so simply doing:


	$model->attributes = $_POST['Listing'];

Isn’t going to work.

Ah, yes. You are right. Massive assignment won’t work.

You have to populate the model for saving manually from the 3 models for the forms.

I have signup form on modal(lightbox) with 3 steps.

How signup form will render if ajax validation fails?

CJuiAccordion. I have some a tutorial on how to make a multi step form using it.


Sorry to bring up this old post. May I know can this is be implemented on Yii 2?

Has anyone done multistep form in yii2?

Please help.

I am having the same question, does anyone had ever achieved this kindly help.