Multi Page Form With Validation

Hi i am having issues trying to create a multipage form. I have read lots of info on this especially this

yii-multi-page-form-wizard-best-practice on stackoverflow

But I am having issues with validation. When trying to move from step one of the form, validation fails because its trying to validate fields that are not in that step.

I then removed validation from each step and instead validated on save. But after doing this i notices none of the data was being stored. So when the validation fails and goes back to the first page the form is empty.

Could anyone see what i am doing wrong?

My controller code is below:

public function actionCreate()


		$model=new Accounts;

		// Uncomment the following line if AJAX validation is needed

		// $this->performAjaxValidation($model);




			$model=new Accounts('step1');

			$model->attributes = $_POST['Accounts'];




					'formLevel' => '2',






			if($model->save()) {


			} else {



				'formLevel' => '1',




		} else {



				'formLevel' => '1',




All Sorted, Seems i wasnt doing setting the second form to be stateful!

My only other issue is how do i part validate the form. So i can validate fields as we go along.

I think you can achieve your goal with scenarios.

Define validation rules for each step (=>scenario) and use them to validate each step.

I’m building a multi-step registration form. I have scenarios for each step (step1,step2,etc).

In the controller, I check if the model has any errors, always validating using the previous step:

if($_GET['step'])>1) {

   $step-= 1;

} else {

   $step= 1;


if ( $_POST ) {

   $userFormModel = new UserForm('step'.$step);

   $userFormModel->attributes = $POST;


   if ( $userFormModel->validate() {

       $step = $_GET['step'];

   } else {

       $errors = $userFormModel->getErrors();



$this->render( 'step'.$step,



This is what I came with, from my head right now. Not tested. But I think you got the idea. You’ll be always checking the previous step when calling the controller.

perfect just what i am looking for cheers!

No problem. Did you understand all the logic? I know it is a bit tricky, but a little more flexible than using a lot of information.

I found this Multi-step registration form