MQTT server for Yii2 base on swoole 4, Resolve topic as a route reflect into controller/action/param, And support redis pub/sub to trigger async task from your web application.
easy to use:
#MQTT subscribe topic: "channel/count/100001" will handle at:
class ChannelController{
public function actionCount($channel_id){
echo "client {$this->fd} subscribed the count change of channel {$channel_id}";
//client 1 subscribed the count change of channel 100001
#MQTT Publish Topic: "channel/join/100001" with payload: "Foo" will handle at:
class ChannelController{
public function actionJoin($channel_id, $who){
echo "{$who} join in channel {$channel_id}";
// Foo join in channel 100001