I am trying to move a site from hosting company to my own machine, but having troubles because I am very new to Yii.
I need some help urgently.
Here where it stands now:
My machine runs on Windows 10 Pro with XAMPP 3.2.2 installed.
I have Yii framework 1.1.14 installed and running with requirements passed.
I restored a database file mydbmysql.sql (containing website-specific data) to MySQL DB and can view tables in localhost/phpmyadmin
I moved the site backup files (Yii stuff) to C:\xampp\htdocs\website, which contains assets, css, framework, images, protected, themes, upload folders and .htaccess, admin.php, adminer.php, index.php, index-test.php, SiteController.php files.
Opening the page localhost/website is now giving an error
PHP notice
unserialize(): Unexpected end of serialized data
which is due to this function:
public function get($id)
103 {
104 $value = $this->getValue($this->generateUniqueKey($id));
105 if($value===false || $this->serializer===false)
106 return $value;
107 if($this->serializer===null)
108 $value=unserialize($value);
109 else
110 $value=call_user_func($this->serializer[1], $value);
111 if(is_array($value) && (!$value[1] instanceof ICacheDependency || !$value[1]->getHasChanged()))
112 {
113 Yii::trace('Serving "'.$id.'" from cache','system.caching.'.get_class($this));
114 return $value[0];
115 }
116 else
117 return false;
118 }
While advising, could you please avoid using jargons that newcomers might have problems to grasp.
Thank you!