Moving Web Directories After Install

Hello, I’m following the instructions for installing the advanced template at

I’ve installed everything under /home/user/yii2.

My public html directory is /home/user/public_html.

Now, according to Step 4 of the guide, I have to:

For this, can I simply do:

> mv /home/user/yii2/frontend/web /home/user/public_html/frontend

> mv /home/user/yii2/backend/web /home/user/public_html/backend

And then configure vhosts for subdomains going to public_html/frontend and public_html/backend? Will this not break anything? E.g.

  • No files in frontend/web refer to ../views instead of /home/user/yii2/frontend/views

  • No files in frontend/web refer to ../../vendor instead of /home/user/yii2/vendor

  • etc.

Is it safe to simply move the frontend/web and backend/web directories wherever I please?

>> Is it safe to simply move the frontend/web and backend/web directories wherever I please?

it is just make sure your index requires the appropriate files from vendor folder just modify the path

require(__DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php');

require(__DIR__ . '/../vendor/yiisoft/yii2/Yii.php');