Moving Index.php Out Of Webapp Directory


I’m just getting into Yii. Really like it so far. He’s an opening question. I have the following directory structure all happily working.

  • /

  • webapp/

– index.php

– index-test.php

  • yii-1.1.13/

id like to relocate the entry scripts into the root of the domain as follows

  • /

  • webapp/

  • yii-1.1.13/

  • index.php

  • index-test.php

I have updated the filepaths in both entry scripts, and to an extent things are working. However the filepaths (for example) of css are incorrect (they still reflect the original location), indicating that I’ve missed something. I’ve checked webapp/protected/config/ with little result. I’m now not sure where else to look.

Can you help?



Apologies, Just found thisthat makes the Yii concept clear. I’d delete this post if I could!