[module] userGroups


data stored into profile’s tables are not stored in session on this version.

Getting the session too big is not ever a good thing, anyhow on next release i might make available the choice to store some of the profile’s data in session.

Hi Nickcv

Thanks for considering this, can I also make another enhancement request. I use the YiiMail extension (a wrapper for swiftmail) and it would be great if I could use it with UserGroups, how about making the mailer selectable with a config option (similar to the mailmessages option)



sure, i’ll take a look at it.

Anyhow i won’t be able to make another release until next week due to working schedule.

Hi Nickcv,

Found problem in 1.6.8 that gets reported if E_STRICT error reporting is switched on, nothing happens when clicking on Root Tools. The following error message is raised.

caused by line 40 of crons.php

The error report can be suppressed by appending @ to the line, i.e.

but I’m not sure if the line then runs properly.

but this works ok


Hi Nickcv,

Nitpicking but can I suggest that on install (for Mysql) the definition of the table collation is left to the database default.

i.e in InstallController.php on line 338 remove <CHARACTER SET=latin1> for the usertable (which is the only table where you define a character set).


Something else on 1.6.8 that doesn’t like E_STRICT error reporting

The Add Group & Add User links don’t work on the Root Tools page. They generate the following error.

Changing the declaration on line 239 to

fixes it.


Thanks Dave for posting these fixes, you saved me for many hours of searching…

@Dave_D sure no problem and thanks for the reports… i’m testing everything under E_ALL and with no E_STRICT enabled, i’ll had those fixes as well with next release.

Nick -

Is there a way to extend this module to use OpenLDAP as the db, vs. creating one’s own?




i just released a new version with the Profile Extension’s feature you asked for.

i also made some corrections to the errors popping out with E_STRICT

@Aleks B

i have no experience with LDAP, but i can i tell you that what userGroups is doing on installation is checking the db to see if there are the tables it needs.

You can probably tweak the installation mechanism to make it work with LDAP, but you may experience several problems because the ROOT user is defined by a constant ID.


almost forgot, i couldn’t find the yiimail extension, so i couldn’t make any teaks to the module to make it work with it.

where did you find it?


How do I use it? :huh:

here mail extension

Thanks for all the work you’re doing on this - it’s much appreciated :)


it’s explained in the updated documentation ^^

anyhow you just need to implement a new method inside your Profile Extension’s model:

thank you for the support ^^

ops, i uploaded the wrong tar, sorry guys… i just uploaded the right one ^^

Hi Nickcv,

Using 1.7 get error on logging out

I created the following function in WebUserGroups which clears the failure but I’m not sure if it’s the right thing to do

public function getRecovery() {

 	return $this->getState('__recovery');



i should totally stop coding at night <.< how the hell did it disappear?

thanks anyway


You’re welcome

Hi Nickcv,

Thanx for this nice extension.

I have a little problem. I’m trying to add a profile extension and the ability to register users, but I can’t do it.

This problem has already been Dave_D:

I’ve created a table “user” and model “User” from gii;

copied the public function profileViews() verbatim from the instructions into the model;

Created controller and views files from GRUD to protected\views\user

But when I go to the page "localhost/Yii/www/userGroups/index" , I can see only:

"Error 404

Unable to resolve the request "userGroups/index"."


My model User in Attachments:


hi ^^

userGroups/Index is not an existing path

just do userGroups/ without the index

to enable user registration you have to set that configuration value inside the Root Tools

ouch! I find this in configuration page. Thanx.

nickcv, what I need to do to the data derived from model "User" to views %protected/views/user/*