[module] userGroups

Blimey, go any faster and you’ll be releasing fixes before the problem is reported :)

Thanks very much


done ^^ new version released, you should not have any problems now… let me know anyway!

i’m obliged to use “urlManager” ?

after this installation:



        'accessCode'=>'type here your access code',



i can’t access to the configuration of userGroups with this link:


the module wasn’t truly tested without urlManager setted in that way…

anyway that’s a basic urlManager setting, nothing fancy.

the urls you get with urlManager are also better for google indexing


Couple of things

  1. spelling error "Successfully" incorrect in UGMail.php (line 220), AdminController.php (359) & UserController.php (294 & 318)

  2. Get the following error using a registration view when using a profile extension:


i’ll be damned… it’s a small bug, i’ll release the fix tomorrow, thanks a lot Dave.

unfortunately i’m about to turn in a project tomorrow, sorry if i didn’t check it before.


I’ve installed the module sucessfully. But on login in the first time the operation frezes just after submiting the login form. No error.

I did the configurations mentioned in the module page on Yii 1.1.7 and userGroups 1.6.6


Liked the module specs… waiting for the project release :)

done guys… i made the new release and tested everything profile related, now you shouldn’t have any more issues with it.

Declaration of WebUserGroups::changeIdentity() should be compatible with that of CWebUser::changeIdentity() 

usergroups 1.6.7 and yii 1.1.7 in xampp 1.7.4

plz tell me how can i fix it?first install steping

here you can see what is triggering the error.

on next release i’ll some changes to try to avoid the error.

[b]Error: Class XXXController does not have a property named _permissionControl


What if I do not want to extend my other module’s controllers?

Is there a way?

Best regards,


your other modules are obviously not extending the controller located inside your application component folder.

all you have to do is create that property inside the controller you module’s controller are extending or in every controller of your module

I use about 4 modules and 60 Controllers. The all have CController as the same base.

I don’t want to touch the code in my modules.

Is there no way to use userGroups just for my application and exclude my modules?



You have a problem.

This is the reason why most - if not all - Yii samples use Controller rather than CController as base class.

You just need a quick search and replace.

That will help you in the long run, not only with userGroups, but all common controller code/logic as well.

is there anybody has a problem like this?

now it’s fixed, that problem should never occur again with the new release.

glad to see new release :P

The installer is telling me to add this code :


// enable cookie-based authentication




I have added it to my …\protected\config\main.php file but after refresh I get this error:

Property "CWebApplication.user" is read only.


455         }

456     }


458     /**

459      * Configures the module with the specified configuration.

460      * @param array $config the configuration array

461      */

462     public function configure($config)

463     {

464         if(is_array($config))

465         {

466             foreach($config as $key=>$value)

467                 $this->$key=$value;

468         }

469     }


471     /**

472      * Loads static application components.

473      */

474     protected function preloadComponents()

475     {

476         foreach($this->preload as $id)

477             $this->getComponent($id);

478     }

What am I doing wrong?


About to show how much of a newbie I am ;) but having successfully created a profile with it’s View, Edit and Register forms, how the heck do I access the profile data in my application?

For example I know I can get the current username with ‘Yii::app()->user->name’ and in my profile I have a field called firstname, I tried ‘Yii::app()->user->firstname’ but it doesn’t work.

Help please


Never mind, my fault… It should be added under the components section.