[MODULE] phundament 2

Are you using <input> or <textarea>?

Maybe you can post a .zip of your widget?

Right, text area would help here, where do I specify it?


You could either create a custom widget extended from P2BaseWidget, see p2/widgets/skeleton/P2SkeletonWidget.php

The advantage would be, that you can use a custom _form.php view there.

Within this view make sure you surround every input field, which value should be collected with a <div class="classProps">.

Another solution would be to use some more input fields for your youtube widget.

If your widget is not a P2BaseWidget phundament reads all public variables and renders simple text fields for them (limited length).

So you may use i.e. these public properties in your widget: youtubeId, width, height and generate the complete HTML within your widget.

Does this help?

Yep, I used the second approach (in previous posts there is a sample widget code) :)

(just not very convenient to copy-paste parts of generated code by Youtube).

So it should be modified later on :)


OT: Is it possible that admin tool bar would be in top of flash, swf, and other video screen objects?

Best regards,


Should be, I did it here: http://www.merida-bikes.com/de_de/

This is it ;) Where have you set this parameter?



Either try raising the z-index in your menu CSS or maybe changing wmode=‘opaque’ in your flash-object tag.


I noticed some strange behaviour with en_us message file @ Phundament.

It just ignores this file and its place holders to translate e.g.

USER_PROBLEMS’ => ‘Still problems?! Please contact us by or by our <a href="{contactUrl}">contact page</a> or by <a href=“mailto:{email}”>e-mail</a>.’,

or simple ‘rememberMe’ => ‘Remember me next time’,

Where the problem could be?



You can change it in "modules/p2/extensions/langhandler/ELangHandler.php"

I set source language to some other language example

Yii::app()->sourceLanguage = 'man';

What is this mean? That my source code is written in man language. So it forced to look up other language like in phundament is en_us.



Yeah, exactly.

I sometimes set, i.e. sourceLanguage to null, because I work with translation placeholders like "MyMessage" which then also can be translated to en_us.


One issue regarding Phundament Cell management http://code.google.com/p/phundament/issues/detail?id=49

It could be more intuitive to manage Cells, e.g. when creating P2 with sample data, then adding more pages, html, and then removing unnecessary pages, html. Cells are not removed, therefore its hard to track down which one belongs where.

Eg. Request Param in certain cases are Page ID (name could be stated).

Eg. If its html widget, ID refers to HTML content (beginning could be stated)

In other words, Usability is most important to make this CMS up and going stable.



Hi Colt,

thanks for your idea. Yeah, should be implemented :) sometime.

Best regards,


PS: http://code.google.com/p/phundament/issues/detail?id=50