Model relation to DataProvider

I’m having a problem that probably have a simple solution. In my website a user can have multiple followers, I want to list that followers using a ListView

To access to all followers from a user I can do someting like this:

$user = \common\models\User::findOne(['username' => $username]);

if($user === null)

     throw new NotFoundHttpException(Yii::t('app', 'The requested page does not exist.'));

$followers = $user->followers;

But now I must create a dataprovider to pass to the ListView widget, how can I do this?


Not tested…

Try this:

$user = User::findOne(1);

$followerDataProvider = new ActiveDataProvider([ 

        'query' => $user->followers



I bet for

$user = User::findOne(1);

$followerDataProvider = new ActiveDataProvider([ 

        'query' => $user->getFollowers()


no tested :D but getFollowers return a \yii\db\ActiveQuery instance

Aaaand … you are absolutely correct. ;)

Thanks for the correction. ;)

Thank you for your examples, my first approach was exactly this

$user = User::findOne(1);

$followerDataProvider = new ActiveDataProvider([ 

        'query' => $user->followers


This not work. Then I figured that this also work:

$user = User::findOne(1);

$followerDataProvider = new ActiveDataProvider([ 

        'models' => $user->followers


But I like more your solution Bushi…

Thank you!