Model Relation: Count

Hi folks!

I want to count items from a related table within a model.

There are 3 Tables:

  • TableA (This model)

  • TableB

  • TableC (Count these entries)

These tables are related with the primary key from Table B (TableBid).

This relation normally looks like that:

class TableA extends CActiveRecord


    public function relations()


        return array(

            'tableB' => array(self::BELONGS_TO, 'TableB', 'TableBid'),

            'tableC' => array(



                array('TableBid' => 'TableBid'),

                'through' => 'tableB'





So far so good.

When I change self::HAS_MANY -> self::STAT to count the items:

'tableCcount' => array(



    array('TableBid' => 'TableBid'),

    'through' => 'tableB'


then I get the Yii error which seems to be related to this Issue:

Eigenschaft "CStatRelation.through ist nicht definiert.

So I tried to replace the unsupported "through" with a "join":

'tableCcount' => array(



    array('TableBid' => 'TableBid'),

    'join' => 'LEFT JOIN TableC tc ON tc.TableBid = t.TableBid'


But self::STAT does not support the use of specific keys (Issue):

 preg_match() expects parameter 2 to be string, array given


Can anybody help me to find a workaround or even a fix for the two YII issues?

Thanks alot!

Solved it with a workaround:

New column TableA.COUNT_C which is updated by afterSave() and afterDelete() in TableC Model

class TableC extends ActiveRecord


	protected function afterSave()



		// Update TableA.COUNT_C

		// In my case, only update update COUNT_C on new records because entries from TableC ever stay related to the same TableA entry

		if ($this->isNewRecord) {

			$TableAID = $this->TableAID;

			$TableA = Geschaeftsfall::model()->findByPk($TableAID);





	protected function afterDelete()



		// Update TableA.COUNT_C

		$TableAID= $this->TableAID;

		$TableA = TableA::model()->findByPk($TableAID);

		if ($TableA->COUNT_C > 0) { // Avoid negative values... Just to be shure





// ....
