Migrate from Yii 1.1 to 2.0


I have a project which has been running since last 3 years on Yii 1.1. Now i have got a chance to upgrade the code if there are any upgrades and i am considering Yii 2.0 for upgrade. So my question is should i upgrade my project from Yii 1.1 to Yii 2.0, is it worth doing?

Since i have a well established website and can’t afford to have broken code. And once the upgrade is done, can’t revert to old version, also there won’t be any further upgrade in the near future say 2-3 years.

So should i go for this upgrade or wait a little longer?

1.1 isn’t going to explode anytime soon so it’s OK to run on it. Upgrade if you have enough time and want to improve your project in future.


Just to be sure:

You can not simply "replace" the framework with new version.

You have to adjust your websites code to the new framework.

And you could do this by migrating your website locally to the new framework.

Step by step. So you don’t have any broken code in your production environment.

To get started read the upgrade guide:


Regarding to your website / project:

After reading your description:

also there wont be any further upgrade in the near future say 2-3 years.

My opinion:

When you are not planning to implement any new features which are only available in Yii 2…

I personally wont upgrade… In such cases I keep it with the old sentence:

"Never change a running system."

Apart from that is my opinion:

It is worth learning Yii 2 for future projects.

Best Regards


Oh samdark was faster by basically saying the same with much fewer words. ::)

Thanks samdark and MetaCrawler for the quick response. I do need upgrades like dynamic push notifications using nodejs, performance improvement, asset management and much more which made me consider Yii 2.0…