I need to validate that a customer is using a valid subdomain name as well as making sure some other required fields are present. I have created the following rule in my model class:
public function rules()
return array(
array(',c_customerSubdomain, c_custAdminUser,c_adminPassword,c_adminContact', 'required', 'message' => "{attribute} is TEST required."),
array('c_customerSubdomain', 'match', 'pattern' => '/^[a-z0-9_]*$/', 'message' => "Customer Subdomain should contain only alphanumeric and underscore.", "allowEmpty" => false),
I am testing whether or not the rule is firing by changing the message for required values to: {attribute} is TEST required.
When I submit the form with all of the field blank, the result is as expected.
However, when I populate the field for subdomain with an illegal value, such as “ASD# a”, I am expecting to get a validation error. However, instead, the rules bypass all of the other validation errors and attempt to save the model.