my model ‘hotel’ has two MANY_MANY Relations: ‘relProperty’ and ‘relCertificate’.
Now I want to find all hotel-records which has properties (relProperty) 2 and 4 (id)
AND which has certificates (relCertificate) 15 and 16 and 18 (id).
I do it like this:
$models = hotel::model()->with(
'select'=>'COUNT(??.id) as COUNTER',
//'select'=>'COUNT(??.id) as COUNTER_A', // this does not work either
'condition'=>'??.id IN (2,4)',
'having' => 'COUNTER = 6', // this is 2*3 // at first I thought it should be 2 --- we have 2 Properties: 2,4
//'having' => 'COUNTER_A = 2',
'select'=>'COUNT(??.id) as COUNTER',
//'select'=>'COUNT(??.id) as COUNTER_B', // this does not work either
'condition'=>'??.id IN (15,16,18)',
'having' => 'COUNTER = 6', // this is 2*3 // at first I thought it should be 3 --- we have 3 Certificates: 15,16,18
//'having' => 'COUNTER_B = 3',
It works but:
I do not understand why I have to check if
and not
COUNTER = 2 (or COUNTER_A = 2) for first relation
COUNTER = 3 (or COUNTER_B = 3) for second relation.
I am not sure if my group and having statements are ok… could you please take a look at this? I use Yii 1.0.x
Thanks for help!