[size="3"]Hi everyone!,

Does anyone knows how Yii handles Mysql CONSTRAINS like ON DELETE or ON UPDATE CASCADE when using MANY_MANY relations?. Since MANY to MANY relations aren’t natively supported on most SQL DBs we need an associative table to declare a MANY_MANY relation on Yii.[/size]


tbl_post has a MANY_MANY relationship with tbl_tag via the tbl_post_tag associative table

Something like this:

class Post extends CActiveRecord




    public function relations()


        return array(

            'tags'=>array(self::MANY_MANY, 'Tag',

                'tbl_post_tag(post_id, tag_id)'),





class Tag extends CActiveRecord




    public function relations()


        return array(

            'posts'=>array(self::MANY_MANY, 'Post',

                'tbl_post_tag(post_id, tag_id)'),




What’s the best way to get CONSTRAIN like ON DELETE CASCADE to work properly?, so that if I delete a post, all of the post tags are deleted as well as the associative rows on tbl_post_tag.

Should I handle this via a function on the models?, attaching a behavior?, using beforeDelete() / beforeSave()?, or does Yii behaves like this natively?

Wouldn’t you rather set your required constraint in mysql?

Yes, but since Many to Many constrains/foreign keys aren’t supported in Mysql, the cascade wouldn’t affect the whole relationship structure, just the original table and the associative table.

so if I DELETE FROM tbl_post WHERE id = 1; the cascade will extend only to tbl_post and tbl_post_tag, and not to tbl_tag, which is what i want to achieve.

I think it’s a good choice to use [color=#1C2837][size=2] beforeDelete() / afterDelete() for any additional cleaning.[/size][/color]

[color=#1C2837][size=2]And you may take a look at extensions that help to handle relational behaviour as well. [/size][/color]

Yeah, I’m starting to understand that using the MANY_MANY relation is not really a good practice (it’s not going to make it to Yii 2.0). It seems the best way to handle this problem is to create a model for “middle” tables and use “Through” relations combined with beforeDelete() / afterDelete() or the With Related Behavior Extension (Seems that it’s going to be part of Yii2 in some form)

Thanks for all the help!, and I hope this helps people in the future.