Manual filtering on CActiveDataProvider

Dear all,

When using CActiveDataProvider, sometime I can’t just use CDbCriteria and have to filter the result

afterwards. for example:

public function search() {

   # stuff for creating CDbCriteria

   $activeDataProvider = new CActiveDataProvider($this, array(

      'criteria' => $criteria,

      'pagination' => array(

         'pageSize' => 10,




   # manual filtering on the $activeDataProvider->data

   $data = $activeDataProvider->data;

   $count = count($data);

   for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {

      if ($data[$i]->complicatedLogic()) {




   # unset() don't re-index, so use array_values() here



   return $activeDataProvider;


However, each time the ‘manually filtering’ part only get one ‘page’ of data but not the whole set.

What I want is paginate the data after manual filtering. Even I set the pagination in the following way

doesn’t work:

$activeDataProvider = new CActiveDataProvider($this, array(

   # ...

   'pagination' => false,


# manual filtering

# ...

# set the pagination

$pages = new CPagination(count($activeDataProvider->data));

$pages->pageSize = 10;


Thanks in advance.

Use CArrayDataProvider.

Happy Coding.