make telegram bot with yii2


i want create telegram bot with longman/telegram-bot but my set webhook not work correctly.

when i use irazasyed/telegram-bot-sdk my webhook worked but when use longman webhook not work.


1- add composer require longman/telegram-bot

2- create module with name telegram

3- create controller with name telegram

my controller code is:

namespace app\modules\telegram\controllers;

use Longman\TelegramBot\Exception\TelegramException;

use Longman\TelegramBot\Exception\TelegramLogException;

use Longman\TelegramBot\Telegram;

use Longman\TelegramBot\TelegramLog;

use yiif\web\Controller;

class TelegramController extends Controller


	const API_KEY='324853508:AAFwzEQOq8k08r-5eOdsuXvUe3Lp72D1n-E';

	const BOT_NAME='khadem_hw2_bot';

	const CERTIFICATE_PATH='/var/sentora/hostdata/tokhone/public_html/tokhone_ir/ssl/ssl.pem';

	public function actionSet()


		$hook_url = 'https domain/telegram/telegram/hook';


		try {

			// Create Telegram API object

			$telegram = new Telegram(self::API_KEY, self::BOT_NAME);

			// Set webhook

			$result = $telegram->setWebHook($hook_url,self::CERTIFICATE_PATH);

			// Uncomment to use certificate

			//$result = $telegram->setWebHook($hook_url, $path_certificate);

			if ($result->isOk()) {

				echo $result->getDescription();



		} catch (TelegramException $e) {

			echo $e;



	public function actionHook(){

		file_put_contents(__DIR__."/dump.html","hook called\n",FILE_APPEND);

		try {

			// Create Telegram API object

			$telegram = new Telegram(self::API_KEY, self::BOT_NAME);


			// Handle telegram webhook request


		} catch (TelegramException $e) {

			// Silence is gold!

			 echo $e;

			// log telegram errors


		} catch (TelegramLogException $e) {

			// Silence is gold! Uncomment this to catch log initilization errors

			echo $e;



	public function actionUnset(){

		try {

			// Create Telegram API object

			$telegram = new Telegram(self::API_KEY, self::BOT_NAME);

			// Unset webhook

			$result = $telegram->unsetWebHook();

			if ($result->isOk()) {

				echo $result->getDescription();


		} catch (TelegramException $e) {

			echo $e;




when i create three files set.php, unset.php, hook.php and use irazasyed for init telegram bot akalongman hook worked,

but when use set.php with akalongman my hook not work.

if u can, help me.


use yiif\web\Controller;

maybe typo here?