Is there any plan to create a mailer component for Yii? If not, I’m making that request now.
If you plan to to it, i think it would be quite useful if it able to make use of views. here’s a quick example.
say i have a user registration action where i want to send an email to the user when they successfully register, i could have a file (eg: register.php) under a directory like /protected/views/mail with contents like:
Hello <strong><?php echo $model->username; ?></strong>, you have successfully registered. To confirm your registration, click <?php echo CHtml::link('Here',array('/site/vaidate','code'=>'code')); ?>.
to send the email to the user.
we could do some thing like this:
$mailer = Yii::app()->mailer;
$mailer->render('register',array('$model'=>$model))->send();// send would return boolean so you can check status.
The component would have attributes to set the view path, the type of views to use eg: .txt, .php/html
if .txt then mail will be plain text.
I have more ideas that could be used in a component like that, if you are interested, let me kno and i will compile and post them.