Looking for Yii job (part-time or full-time)


Looking for stable remote work (part-time/full-time) to develop and support projects on Yii in the middle or a large company/team for a long time.

Knowledge of technologies:

PHP, JavaScript, jQuery

SQLLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MS SQL, Oracle.

Yii Framework 1, 2.


Git, Subversion.

Linux administration (Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS, Red Hat).

Configuring web servers.


The experience of working remotely in a large IT-company - 10 years.

Experience programming in PHP and works with Linux - more than 10 years.

Experience programming in Yii Framework - 7 years.

Experience in developing enterprise services and CRM.

Experience in demanding projects.

Part-time or full-time job. Ready for 40 hrs/week.

I’m from Russia.

My email: maxim.zyza@gmail.com